Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cultivating a hunger for God's Word

John MacArthur gives us some very theologically-rooted practical advice as to how to really hunger and thirst after God's Word this year in this article. A summary of this exposition on 1 Peter 2:1-3 is that you cultivate a hunger for God's Word by:
  • Remembering your life source
  • Eliminating your sin
  • Admitting your need
  • Pursuing your growth
  • Surveying your spiriutal blessings
Noel Piper has some helpful advice here from her own personal experience in trying to read through the Bible. She met with a lot of frustration but read the whole article to find what turned her into a "hunter" and gave her great motivation in her reading the Word. Some things that helped her included the following:
  • Noel didn't necessarily start in January, but started "anytime now".
  • She didn't start "in the beginning" but in "unknown territory".
  • She didn't read the Bible "in sequence".
  • She didn't split her reading into 365 "equal segments".
  • She took only the Bible along with her for "reading material".



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