Monday, March 05, 2007

After the Amen: pray and do it

What did God teach you from the Word of God recently? Maybe from yesterday's message in your gospel-preaching church?

Often in my life I know what God wants me to do and ask others to pray for me about this. Frequently other Christians will say things to me like, "I know God wants me to read the Bible [or ssubstitute "witness, pray, serve. lead in family worship, etc."]. I am praying about doing that. Will you pray with me?" How often do we substitute prayer for action. Here is a good Monday morning wake up call for our "disobedience" in praying for things we know God wants us to do. We need to pray and do, not just pray about doing!
We Christians too often substitute prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good; but when used as a substitute for obedience, it is nothing but a blatant hypocrisy, a despicable Pharisaism. To your knees, man! And to your Bible! Decide at once! Don’t hedge! Time flies! Cease your insults to God. Quit consulting flesh and blood. Stop your lame, lying, and cowardly excuses. Enlist!
--C.T. Studd



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