Friday, September 09, 2005

Video Games: Good, Bad or Indifferent

Video games are a big part of the entertainment industry, possible rivaling movies and music. Most homes have one or more gaming sets and with the capability of mobile gaming, they are becoming more and more part of our culture. They are here to stay. But are video games good, bad or indifferent? How should a Christian think about video games.

Interestingly that is a subject that two bloggers have taken up with some thought in the last week. Here are some articles that every concerned parent should read and discuss with their children. Al Mohler gives an indepth report on the whole issue and then two godly mothers offer a pattern for how their families deal with this issue. At the very least, it will make you stop and think about the place of video games in our homes.


At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:36 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

I wrote an entry on this matter in my blog. Please feel free to read it at:


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