Wednesday, April 18, 2007

On the Virginia Tech killings: the problem of evil

Here are some of the responses I have read and would recommend for their biblical worldview on the Virginia Tech killings.

Dr. Albert Mohler: Facing the Reality of Evil

Tim Chailles on Praying for Blacksburg: contains reports from two pastors who are ministering to that campus, families and their churches as you read.

Caroyln McCulley shares some appropriate Scripture

John Piper offers 21 ways to minister to people during such times.

Doug Philips on the Horror at Virginia Tech

What is the answer Christians should be giving to what needs to change after this massacre? The answer is not firing the college president, installing more x-ray machines, enacting stricter gun laws or closing our borders. The answer is a new heart. The heart is deceitftul and above everything else, desperately wicked. We need new hearts that love Christ.

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