Show Yourself a Man
I am reading a series of articles on manhood from the Southern Seminary magazine that just came out. Al Mohler has a lead article on "The Boy Problem" and another one that answers the question, "When Does a Boy Become a Man?" which I have read before and have studied with my older son Ian.
Randy Stinson's article "Show Yourself A Man" is priceless as he uses David's parting words to his son Solomon as a great example giving us the context, character and content of manhood. He singles out nine areas where a husband must demonstrate leadership in the home and calls these the content of manhood: vision, direction, instruction, imitation, inspiration, affirmation, correction, protection and provision.
His article concludes by pointing to Christ as the ultimate man's man and then gives some gems for cultivating an active manhood rather than passivity. He recommends the following: Do the hardest task first, make the hardest phone call first, run to the battle, do your work now as opposed to later, keep your domain in order, kill a bear or a lion.
So hear the words of a David to his son, "Show yourself a man!"
There are some other good reads in this issue as well. Rise up, o men of God and read!
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