Friday, March 24, 2006

What's wrong with this picture?

I was born and raised in Toledo, OH, the home of the infamous Toledo Mud Hens and Tony Packo's world famous hot dogs. I always liked to follow politics, even local elections and remember a fellow named Carty Finkbeiner who was a city councilman when I grew up. Well, now he is the mayor of my hometown and last month he gave an impromptu speech about his religious journey. I was amused by this picture of Mayor Finkbeiner holding up two books that have influenced him in his spiritual path. What's wrong with this picture??? NO, I did not photoshop this one. If you want to read the whole article that describes his "search for God and purpose in life."


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Rose~ said...

Hi Dwight!
Ednella clued me in that you used to go to Emmanuel - which is where I attend and work. It is a small world - I have seen Ednella around blogs for quite some time.

I don't really know what is up with Carty. He has had a very bad temper in previous years. It remains to be seen if he has really changed. I haven't followed the story of his "conversion" (if that is what it is). He was a good mayor last time around. What is the second book he is holding in the picture?

I am sure we know a lot of the same people. My husband has gone to EBC since about 1985 - he was about 25 then. Were you still around then? I did not come to EBC until 1993, although I grew up in Toledo - Catholic.

Did you graduate from Emmanuel Baptist High School? Class of 1981?

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Rose~ said...

OK, now I read the article. I see he doesn't claim to have undergone a great conversion.

Thanks for the article!


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