Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Family Worship

Family worship is something that I have worked on for some years with a lot of ups and downs. I have found some help in this area from Erik who dubs himself the "Irish Calvinist." There is no right way and no wrong way to do family worship. The key components would be some Scripture, prayer, and maybe a song. You have to adapt family worship to your family situation. What works for older children obviously would be over the heads of little, elementary children. In our family, I have to have some components for each along with feeding my wife and my soul during this time. The goal is to start somewhere and try to build consistency in this area.

Among other pieces of advice in this article are these:
  • Be in the Word yourself
  • Make it fun
  • Take time for application
  • Teach prayer
  • Gospelize your children
Training the hearts of our children is a command from God for parents to fulfill. Read the whole article and implement the wisdom. Then watch as God uses this time to transform your family more into Christ's likeness.



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